A Wife�s Prayer For Her Husband

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you for this wonderful gift of a husband, companion and friend, Remind me to celebrate his achievements, and to turn my focus away from his faults.

A Wife�s Prayer For Her Husband

Equip me to be the help meet you have called me to be, and the friend my husband needs me to be. (Baca: Tujuan Berkeluarga adalah Senang di Rasakan Baraeng dan Susah Dirasakan Bareng )

Help me to recognize his efforts, his courage, his strength, and to sing his praises in a way that brings honor to him and to our marriage, Lead me to love.

Teach me to speak kindly when I'm frustrated, and to respect him as the head of our home,( Baca: Tuhan Tolong tenangkan Hati Ini dan Dewasakan Hati Ini )

Show me the ways that I might encourage and support Him to be the man you have called him to be.
ln the name of Allah,


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