Gangguan terbaru dan yang sedang berlangsung pada lalu lintas ke produk Google

Berdasarkan info dari google pada tanggal 21 Oktober 2015. Ada saat tertentu ketika orang tidak dapat mengakses produk dan layanan Google tertentu di lebih dari 30 negara. Penyebab gangguan ini beragam, dan termasuk masalah jaringan dan blokir yang diwajibkan pemerintah.
Tinjau gangguan saat ini di bawah atau jelajahi semua gangguan yang didokumentasikan. Daftar ini tidak menyeluruh.

5 wilayah dengan gangguan terbaru atau sedang berlangsung

Kongo - Brazzaville       Google Penelusuran

19 Oktober 2015�Sekarang Durasi: 1 hari
Congo Government Allegedly Shuts Off Internet Service to Squash Protests
�The government of the Republic of the Congo has apparently cut access to the main internet service provider in the midst of widespread.. �


YouTube 25 Agustus 2015�Sekarang Durasi: 56 hari

Access To YouTube, Facebook Restricted Again In Tajikistan
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
�YouTube and Facebook have become inaccessible via many Internet service providers in Tajikistan. Internet users across the country on August��


Gmail, Google Penelusuran, Google Sites, Album Web Picasa, YouTube

Google's Gmail blocked in China 25 Desember 2014�Sekarang Durasi: 299 hari
�Google Inc's Gmail was blocked in China after months of disruptions to the world's biggest email service ...�
Google's China Services Slow Ahead of Anniversary 31 Mei 2014�Sekarang Durasi: 507 hari
�Google Inc. services in China face blockages as the government tightens Internet controls ahead of the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square c��
Google Picasa Web Album Blocked in China 16 Juli 2009�Sekarang Durasi: 2287 hari
Shanghai Tech Writer
�Starting last week, Google�s Picasa Web Album has been blocked in China, adding to an already long list of websites blocked...�
YouTube Blocked in China, Google Says 23 Maret 2009�Sekarang Durasi: 2402 hari
New York Times
�Google said Tuesday that its YouTube video-sharing Web site had been blocked in China.�


Mobile phones, Facebook, YouTube cut in Iran 13 Juni 2009�Sekarang Durasi: 2320 hari
�The main mobile telephone network in Iran was cut...popular Internet websites Facebook and YouTube also appeared to be blocked...�


Pakistan blocks YouTube over anti-Islam film 17 September 2012�Sekarang Durasi: 1128 hari
�Pakistan blocked access to YouTube on Monday after the video sharing website failed to take down an anti-Islam film...�

Sumber referensi dari : Laporan Transparansi google

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